Lost Phone

Found an 8454136658 near 1101 Woodcroft Court, Louisville, KY, USA with number +1 8454136658? Jocelyn L. lost it on the 13/01/2021

Phone model: 8454136658

Phone IMEI: 359***110

Phone number: +1 8454136658

Phone owner: Jocelyn L.

Owner message: If found please return it was stolen all the way from NYC and was person has activated a phone that isn't theirs. I have proof of receipt. Gold iphone 7 256GB. Please return. I suspended the line already but can't locate. Much help is appreciated

Date last seen: 13/01/2021

Location last seen: 1101 Woodcroft Court, Louisville, KY, USA

Leave a message for the device owner, Jocelyn L.